​Eliminating financial barriers to higher education, healthcare and community infrastructure across South Gujarat.
Our Inspiration

Paragjibhai Naik
A proponent of higher education with an insatiable thirst for knowledge who worked his entire life in quest of learning and educating family and friends, near and far

Prakashbhai Naik
A Gold medalist from IIT Benaras was the top ranker throughout his student career. A role model and an example for all aspiring students in our large extended family

Kusumben Naik
Though she never completed high school, she had a mind of a barrister and an infallible memory that could rival that of a modern computer
Our Record
First Scholarship Awarded: 2009
Scholarships Awarded: 77
Funds Dispersed: Over 33 Lakhs rupees
Notebooks Distributed: Over 15,000​
Medical Assistance
First Patient Helped: 2009
Number of Procedures funded: 1
Funds dispersed: Over 1.5 lakhs
Paragji Naranji and Kusumben Charitable Foundation
62, Anavil Street
Post Office Hansapore
Taluka Jalalpore, District Navsari 396450
Phone: +91 98251 71624
Email: contact@youstudynaikshelp.com